The Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark (in Danish: Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne). A member of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, cipoml.
Solidarity with the Greenlandic people – against all imperialism
Common statement by The Communist Workers Party, Denmark, APK and the American Party of Labor, USA, APL US President Donald…
Condemn Israel’s criminal attack on Jenin!
The latest Israeli attack will increase Palestinian anger even more against the Israeli occupation. We and the freedom-loving people of the world will raise their voice in even greater international solidarity with the struggling Palestinian people for their legitimate national rights for a Free Palestine.
The struggle of the working class against the war policy of the government, against the EU and NATO must be strengthened
The Danish Yes in the referendum June 1 is not a backing for more war and the military build-up of EU imperialism. It was made a matter of ‘for or against Putin’ by the political establishment....
Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people – Stop the aggression of Israel
We condemn the apartheid regime and its brutal suppression and repression of the Palestinian people's protests and struggle for their rights and national liberation. It must be demanded that the Danish government stops its support and backing for Israel and condemns their actions.
In the face of the crisis, social revolution!
The commemoration of Mayday becomes the occasion for the exploited and oppressed of all countries to make their voice heard in protesting against the problems that affect them and their unwavering decision to continue their struggle for social emancipation.
No war in Ukraine, no to all kinds of warmongering!
None of the parties involved in the Ukraine issue pursue policies that are in favour of people: Neither the US and its main allies, nor Russia and China or the European imperialists led by Germany and France, which do not prefer an all-out war today.